Workers Compensation

Are you having trouble getting back to work?

Do you feel that you are not making progress with your physiotherapy or medical management?

Data from recent years in Western Australia suggests that 96% of people with a Workers Compensation injury are back to work within 8 weeks. Is your return to work taking longer than this?

The physiotherapists at Flex are experienced at working with patients who are finding the Workers Compensation system difficult to navigate. With very complex cases, we recommend a review with Jay Tan, who can perform a comprehensive assessment of the factors making your return to work difficult, and who will then work together with your medical and rehab team to help get you back on track, and back to work.

Please note that the Workers Compensation system requires that you have a referral from your GP or specialist in order for your physiotherapy treatment to be covered. If you would like further information about our service for those on Workers Compensation, please contact us on (08) 9332 6422.