Chronic and complex pain

Persistent pain...
Nerve pain...
Unexplained pain...
Complex pain...
Chronic pain...
Pain issues like this affect 1 in 5 Australians, and countless millions around the world.
If it's not you that is dealing with chronic pain, it is probably someone close to you. These problems are difficult to deal with, and in most cases there is not going to be a way to 'fix' the pain. However, there is a lot that can be done to improve the situation.


Research has shown that if you understand more about how and why your brain and body are making you feel pain, you will manage the pain better, and often feel less pain too. Our great team of physios can help you understand your pain better, and can direct you towards great resources if you want to keep learning more.


Chronic pain can dominate your life, but with help you can start to make decisions that give you more and more control over your life, and over your pain. Work with the Flex Physio team to learn great strategies to help you improve the way you manage your pain, your activities and your life!


General exercise for fitness and strength; specific exercises for the injured or painful part of your body. When introduced carefully and increased gradually, these things have been proven to help manage persistent pain problems.  Your Flex Physiotherapist will give you a structured exercise program to do at home or at the gym.

Passionate about pain management

Our team are all passionate about helping people with pain to manage it well, and to improve their quality of life. Different members of our team have strengths with different areas of the body - if it is an elbow, wrist or hand pain problem, Ian Dowley may be just the person for you to see. For a shoulder or neck problem, Karis Brancato is excellent. And for any spinal or lower limb issues, Alex Chia has a strong background as a Sports Physiotherapist with many years' experience in private practice helping patients with complex pain issues. 

We are fortunate to also have Jay Tan on the team - an experienced private practice physio with a Masters degree in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy and a keen interest in complex pain problems. He is in the process of completing his PhD, but still consults at Flex Physiotherapy on a sessional basis to help patients with complex pain problems.

If you live in Perth, call 9332 6422 to schedule an appointment with any of our excellent team. Our online Telehealth video service is available to all, though at present it is only an English-speaking service.  

Research has shown that if you understand more about how and why your brain and body are making you feel pain, you will manage the pain better, and often feel less pain too.
Chronic pain can dominate your life, but with help you can start to make decisions that give you more and more control over your life, and over your pain.
General exercise for fitness and strength; specific exercises for the injured or painful part of your body. When introduced carefully and increased gradually, these things have been proven to help manage persistent pain problems.